Sparkling Clean Air Duct Cleaning

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Chimney Cleaning
If you are a homewoner who has a wood burning fireplace or wood burning stove, you also have a dirty chimney.  Reason being... one does not exist without the other.  As the wood burns inside of your fireplace or wood burner, the combustion process produces solid byproducts that build up in your chimney or flue pipe.  The buildup is a sticky, black layer that is highly combustible.  The only way to get rid of this buidup is through regular cleaning.
Chimney cleaning, or sweeping as it's more commonly known, consists of brushing the inside of the chimney to dislodge soot and debris buildup.  How often you need to have this done greatly depends on use and your burning habits.  If you tend to damp the fire down and deprive it of oxygen so that it will burn longer, the result is much more smoke, which contains a larger amount of partially burnt solids or particulate.  This particulate tends to build up rapidly.  Therefore, the chimney may need to be cleaned at least once per year.  On the other hand, if you tend to burn hotter fires where the wood burns more completely, your chimney will probably need to be cleaned every other year.
The chimney cleaning process begins with a physical inspection of your fireplace or wood burner, the chimney or flue pipe, the spark arrestor and all other components of the system.  If any problem areas are noted, recommendations for repairs will be made at this time.  The next step is to cover the interior portion of the fireplace with plastic so that any soot and debris is contained.  The actual work is then done from the roof using a combination of tools including brushes and scrapers.  This process will thoroughly clean the insides of the chimney.  Through the brushing and scraping process, the hardened material inside of the chimney breaks off and falls into the fireplace.  The final process is to thoroughly clean out the inside of the fireplace, removing all of the debris and vacuuming up any remaining dust or soot.
Regularly cleaning your chimney or flue will ensure safe operation of your fireplace or wood burning stove.
Contact Sparkling Clean Air Duct Cleaning today for all of your chimney cleaning needs!
(local to Madison & surrounding area)

Sparkling Clean Air Duct Cleaning ~ 3029 Linnerud Drive ~ Stoughton ~ WI ~ 53589